what a Beautiful Name.
what a Beautiful Name.
Son of God, Son of Man
Lamb that was slain
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

Lamb that was slain
i love the king and he loves me.
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

"For i have plans for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you
and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 28
joy and peace, strength and hope
grace that blows all fear away.
when i see you
i find strength to face the day
in your presence all my fears and worries
are washed away.
let me face this week with Your hand in minemy heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
rachel really was bored. haah her first time.
it is hard
the weeks are flying by and oh,
common tests are coming soon!
my heart palpitates.
you dance over me
while i am unaware
you sing all around
but i never hear a sound
Lord i'm amazed by you
Lord i'm amazed by you
Lord i'm amazed by you
how you love me
how wide
how deep
how great
is your love for me
sometimes the sky seem to stoop so low
you could touch it
but your heart would break
sometimes the morning came too soon
had my second dream of maths.
i have smth agst math.
been a tiring but alright wk, god is good. what else can i say?
the flu bug attacked again and i felt hevay-headed again.
but im back on both feet and my head feels good now. just tired, but happy the weekend is here(:
thanks di for coming down to vj this wk to study(: aha the library was so enjoyable right? your tech stuff..shakes head. and u had ur tour of the sch. ur future sch(: but be it where u go next time just cont to trust in god yeah? he knows everything tt's best for you!
CHAR: miss you. love you. always here if u need me yeah?
sick. sighs. why is it so hard to shine in dark places? isn't it supp to be natural and all easy?
help me to get down on my knees to pray
to cry for lost souls
to love you jesus til it overflows
draw me close and never let me go
oh no you never let go
through the calm and through the storm
oh no you never let go
every high and every low
And I
I'm desperate for You
And I
I'm lost without You
This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me
hello im rachel here
my sister is doin her work and im bored.
i wish i can watch television.
i have nothing to do now.
im done with work and nothing esle.
hee hee
i want chat with friend now!
taking about ....
ahya don't know la.
what in the world m i surpose to do.
actully i have a lot of things to do but i just don't know
ok i saying that im bored all over again!
anyway nevermind about what i said which im going to say.
i have nothing to do but talk read books like enid blyton and i think nothing esle.
im hearing music but admit,i still bored with nothing to do.
nevermind but isnt jie sick and tired of work?
i meant about studies ok
ouch!my leg is pain because it's cramp.
luckily its a short while only.
hee hee.........
anyway is useless right u agree?
i have no free time after tomorrow because im going to have ca1 on 26 feb!
im sick of studies so much that i forget my teacher has teach me.(sometimes only)
i can't believe what im goin to say now because im alittle bit tired.
i don't know why do u know?
i think i know why because of the music i think so la.
i think it's time to go.
ya so bye.
BYE BYE............!
by rachelmy heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
oh moose! you're so sweet! thank you so much!!
*gives a feather off my wings
it's magical! eat it n u can fly!
hahas. yess! thanks dear jon tan! my wonderfull di(:
you too cont to cling on to god's promises and rely on his strength yeah!
let his love be the compass of your heart!
and fall in love with him each and every single day!
" moose to unicorn. over"
"yes. unicorn here."
"why you so stress?"
- slight pause -
"trust in the lord with all your heart AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. in All you ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
hahaha. unicorn. dont be so stress. you have not been composing songs lately?
ill compose one for you.
E# B C#M A2
when all the worlds down, and all the faiths low
E# E#+2 C#M A2
when everyone seems to be so cold
E# C#M B A2
when we fall down
E# C#M B
when we pray
E# E#+2
Father above
E# E#+2
would you shine down on us
E# C#M
we pray today,
E# E#+2
that you give us faith
just a short one i composed with my guitar. like just. hahaha hope it will liven you up. i will play it for you someday when i get the chance to!my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
-CH3 is an o,p-director, and an activating group.
reactivity and orientation of substituition are explained by the inductive and/or mesomeric effect.
the alkyl group -CH3 exerts an electron-donating inductive effect and increases the electron density of the benzene ring. Electrophilic attack becomes easier and hence, it is an activating group.
this is what happens.
tiring week.
sodium-potassium pumps are used in our nervous systems. K+ ions are pumped in by active transport and ATP is broken down for energy. Resting potential, action potential.
everybody's growing
everyone's leaving
and someday
would you?
ugghh. i don't know what im writing! hahas.
been ages sice ive written any songs.
im hoping,
im waiting to fall into
your arms
of love.
catch me,
catch when i
isaiah 40: soar on wings like eagles.
those who put their hope and trust in the Lord.
run and not grow weary.
gor's new bike is huge. and red. and comfy.
i've lied if i denied, a common ground that i shared with him.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
im brain dead.
just finished my gp essay on 'there is no such thing as luck. people determine their own lives. do you agree?'
i think i wrote horribly.
raining. almost evryday.
i thank god for yesterday.
because i had to send abigail home and i prayed and
the rain stopped
not immediately but when we walked til the void deck before we stepped out in to the open air, it stopped!!
god is good.
i want to fall in love with you
i want to fall in love with you
i want to fall in love with you
be my wonderful obsession.
let me find strength in you
for this coming week
i suddenly feel trepidation.
perfect love casts out fear
come and burn me with holy fire.
i feel so tired.
come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and i will give you rest.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
what goes through my mind?
why am i confused?
anyway i thank god for pulling me thru yest.
feeling so sickly and really heavy in the head. couldn concentrate at all.
im just glad my head-heaviness is gone and im just stuck with very-loud-nose-blwing in which nasrul had to "can blow softer?" so embarrassing.
and i talked really loudly in the library cos my earphones were plugged in. dee and cai and stella were laughing):
i dont know what to expect anymore,
but when man fails you, god never does.
i thank you lord for reminding me you will never
leave nor forsake
when i was feeling so low,
you were there n picked me.
oh though i felt my prayers
just reached oblivion,
i knew you heard
my cry,
and silent.
looking out like a little child
holding tight when it all gets wild
i'll hang onto you
nothing in this world can see me through
only you
i'll hang onto you
everyday i live
i give to you
only youmy heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
they spun a web for me
they spun a web for me
oh my, i love coldplay n i cant believe my brother actually sang yellow yesterday at sam chin's party.
haha and i cant believe i act plucked ixora and ran up screaming like some mad fan of his and gave him the flowers.
grins. encouragement of steffy peng and esther tan
what a wonderful time we had((:
-reminisces about it
and esther n i just had such a wonderful talk at the beach, with the windy blowing in our hair and us going " ooh-ahh" about the beautifull beautiful sky.
im so thankful i know you
what a wonder you are,
a different picture painted each and every single day
every minute
it really makes me stand in awe.
how i love u jesus
when i see the beauty
of a sunset's glory
amazing artistry across the evening sky
when i feel the mystery
of a distant galaxy
it awes and humbles me
to be loved
by a god so high
what can i do but thank you
what can i do but give my life to you
hallelujah, hallelujah
what cani do but praise you
everyday make eerything i do
a hallelujah
i saw an old indian lady. she looked lost,
like she needed help.
thought she wanted to get up the bus so i asked her but she got down again.
why dint i help her? why?
im sorry lord i dint make an effort to get down to help her.
that i just didn't care enough.
but help me
to do better next time.
to let truth grip me.
that im living for more than it seems,
and that jesus,
you would go out of the way to help her.
to show love to her.
help me
im going to give you up.
ok. new yr resolution to use the net only twice a wk?
just ended sch really early today and i was on the verge of sleeping
while doin my bio.so i had to do smth(;
one up on my jogging meter. two more times to go. 3 times a wk can hopefully help me lose weight. shal get back to tutorial.
meiosis is wonderful.
really wonderful as to how you would think of such minute details.
and construct a being like us.
im still awed.
take my breath away.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
what if there was no time?
no more reason or rhyme?
what would the world be without jesus, without a god.
i cannot imagine.
thank you jesus for
bringing me through yesterday
and today.
i was so in a not-study-mood.
jean was like "yay, this weekend is going to be like a holiday(:"
seems lke the holidays just started for her.
yupp, today seems like a holiday too aftr finishing the R paper.
only the 2nd day of school,
n im feeling tired.
no more late nights for me.
at least ill try.
i am capable more than it seems.
a beauitful 2007, a new beginning,
the old has gone,
the new has come
love looney tunes, they're still funny aftr watching so many times.
im excited. im goin to act all bimbo tmr for senior-meet-junior.
hahas..im goin to wear my RG uniform n act as a yr one. and start suaning siswand.
im goin to call myself erm..diana? or saphira. haha. act all bimbo.
oh dear, i hope i carry it thru without laughin.
n im supp to storm out of the room aftr they suan me bout being RG..
oh dear.
ruinin my reputation.
suddenly i feel your hand in mine
suddenly i feel your hand in mine
take my hand oh
sweep me away
even though i am not willing
to hand my
heart over,
take it, take
it from me.
the spirit is wiling but the flesh is weak.
or the many times i have given u my heart,
ive come to realise time and again, the chest where i've placed
it has been pried open again and
help me lock it
and keep the keys,
that no other (EVEN MYSELF)
can unlock it.
i want to give it to you. help me let go. and let god.
my fears have worn me out
my fears have worn me out
ooh ive got my hands at redemption's hands side
Whose scars are bigger than these doubts of mine
I'll fit all of these monstrosities inside
yeah I'll come alive
With my fist down at your feet
I was running out of mysteries
Insecure and incomplete,
here I am,
here I am,
won't you get me?
so im goin to read my bible now.
and aftr tt do my hmwk.
(looks happy doin hmwk)
year 2007; hardworking, mugger caron,
here i come!my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
i've got so much to blog about the coming year n last yr but now's not the time.
i just wanto say:
haha that means we have 364 days of overflowing mercies((:
i've written down my new yr resolutions in my diary!
smash 2006 was great yesterday and i just loved the time o spent with hahas(:
darren spoke bout never forgetting our grattitude to him and always thankin him(:
thank u so much!
lost for words with all to say
lord u take my breath away
still my soul my soul cries out
you are holy
as i look upon your name
circumstances fade away
now your glory steals my heart
you are holy
evermore my heart my heart will say
above all
live for your glory
even if my world falls i will say
above all
i live for your glory
the new year comes and im determined to live a life for jesus
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace whoblessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
-legacy, nichole nordemanmy heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
grace that blows all fear away.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
when i see you
i find strength to face the day
in your presence all my fears and worries
are washed away.
let me face this week with Your hand in mine
Labels: jesus i'm in love with you
Friday, January 26, 2007
rachel really was bored. haah her first time.
it is hard
the weeks are flying by and oh,
common tests are coming soon!
my heart palpitates.
you dance over me
while i am unaware
you sing all around
but i never hear a sound
Lord i'm amazed by you
Lord i'm amazed by you
Lord i'm amazed by you
how you love me
how wide
how deep
how great
is your love for me
sometimes the sky seem to stoop so low
you could touch it
but your heart would break
sometimes the morning came too soon
had my second dream of maths.
i have smth agst math.
been a tiring but alright wk, god is good. what else can i say?
the flu bug attacked again and i felt hevay-headed again.
but im back on both feet and my head feels good now. just tired, but happy the weekend is here(:
thanks di for coming down to vj this wk to study(: aha the library was so enjoyable right? your tech stuff..shakes head. and u had ur tour of the sch. ur future sch(: but be it where u go next time just cont to trust in god yeah? he knows everything tt's best for you!
CHAR: miss you. love you. always here if u need me yeah?
sick. sighs. why is it so hard to shine in dark places? isn't it supp to be natural and all easy?
help me to get down on my knees to pray
to cry for lost souls
to love you jesus til it overflows
draw me close and never let me go
oh no you never let go
through the calm and through the storm
oh no you never let go
every high and every low
And I
I'm desperate for You
And I
I'm lost without You
This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me
Labels: more than life
hello im rachel here
my sister is doin her work and im bored.
i wish i can watch television.
i have nothing to do now.
im done with work and nothing esle.
hee hee
i want chat with friend now!
taking about ....
ahya don't know la.
what in the world m i surpose to do.
actully i have a lot of things to do but i just don't know
ok i saying that im bored all over again!
anyway nevermind about what i said which im going to say.
i have nothing to do but talk read books like enid blyton and i think nothing esle.
im hearing music but admit,i still bored with nothing to do.
nevermind but isnt jie sick and tired of work?
i meant about studies ok
ouch!my leg is pain because it's cramp.
luckily its a short while only.
hee hee.........
anyway is useless right u agree?
i have no free time after tomorrow because im going to have ca1 on 26 feb!
im sick of studies so much that i forget my teacher has teach me.(sometimes only)
i can't believe what im goin to say now because im alittle bit tired.
i don't know why do u know?
i think i know why because of the music i think so la.
i think it's time to go.
ya so bye.
BYE BYE............!
by rachel
Sunday, January 21, 2007
*gives a feather off my wings
it's magical! eat it n u can fly!
hahas. yess! thanks dear jon tan! my wonderfull di(:
you too cont to cling on to god's promises and rely on his strength yeah!
let his love be the compass of your heart!
and fall in love with him each and every single day!
Labels: i want to fall in love with you
" moose to unicorn. over"
"yes. unicorn here."
"why you so stress?"
- slight pause -
"trust in the lord with all your heart AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. in All you ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
hahaha. unicorn. dont be so stress. you have not been composing songs lately?
ill compose one for you.
E# B C#M A2
when all the worlds down, and all the faiths low
E# E#+2 C#M A2
when everyone seems to be so cold
E# C#M B A2
when we fall down
E# C#M B
when we pray
E# E#+2
Father above
E# E#+2
would you shine down on us
E# C#M
we pray today,
E# E#+2
that you give us faith
just a short one i composed with my guitar. like just. hahaha hope it will liven you up. i will play it for you someday when i get the chance to!
Friday, January 19, 2007
-CH3 is an o,p-director, and an activating group.
reactivity and orientation of substituition are explained by the inductive and/or mesomeric effect.
the alkyl group -CH3 exerts an electron-donating inductive effect and increases the electron density of the benzene ring. Electrophilic attack becomes easier and hence, it is an activating group.
this is what happens.
tiring week.
sodium-potassium pumps are used in our nervous systems. K+ ions are pumped in by active transport and ATP is broken down for energy. Resting potential, action potential.
everybody's growing
everyone's leaving
and someday
would you?
ugghh. i don't know what im writing! hahas.
been ages sice ive written any songs.
im hoping,
im waiting to fall into
your arms
of love.
catch me,
catch when i
isaiah 40: soar on wings like eagles.
those who put their hope and trust in the Lord.
run and not grow weary.
gor's new bike is huge. and red. and comfy.
i've lied if i denied, a common ground that i shared with him.
Labels: running; you're a god who stops the rain((:
Sunday, January 14, 2007
im brain dead.
just finished my gp essay on 'there is no such thing as luck. people determine their own lives. do you agree?'
i think i wrote horribly.
raining. almost evryday.
i thank god for yesterday.
because i had to send abigail home and i prayed and
the rain stopped
not immediately but when we walked til the void deck before we stepped out in to the open air, it stopped!!
god is good.
i want to fall in love with you
i want to fall in love with you
i want to fall in love with you
be my wonderful obsession.
let me find strength in you
for this coming week
i suddenly feel trepidation.
perfect love casts out fear
come and burn me with holy fire.
i feel so tired.
come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and i will give you rest.
Labels: obsession
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
what goes through my mind?
why am i confused?
anyway i thank god for pulling me thru yest.
feeling so sickly and really heavy in the head. couldn concentrate at all.
im just glad my head-heaviness is gone and im just stuck with very-loud-nose-blwing in which nasrul had to "can blow softer?" so embarrassing.
and i talked really loudly in the library cos my earphones were plugged in. dee and cai and stella were laughing):
i dont know what to expect anymore,
but when man fails you, god never does.
i thank you lord for reminding me you will never
leave nor forsake
when i was feeling so low,
you were there n picked me.
oh though i felt my prayers
just reached oblivion,
i knew you heard
my cry,
and silent.
looking out like a little child
holding tight when it all gets wild
i'll hang onto you
nothing in this world can see me through
only you
i'll hang onto you
everyday i live
i give to you
only you
Labels: heart-searching, jesus-thirsty, nose-blowing
Monday, January 08, 2007
they spun a web for me
they spun a web for me
oh my, i love coldplay n i cant believe my brother actually sang yellow yesterday at sam chin's party.
haha and i cant believe i act plucked ixora and ran up screaming like some mad fan of his and gave him the flowers.
grins. encouragement of steffy peng and esther tan
what a wonderful time we had((:
-reminisces about it
and esther n i just had such a wonderful talk at the beach, with the windy blowing in our hair and us going " ooh-ahh" about the beautifull beautiful sky.
im so thankful i know you
what a wonder you are,
a different picture painted each and every single day
every minute
it really makes me stand in awe.
how i love u jesus
when i see the beauty
of a sunset's glory
amazing artistry across the evening sky
when i feel the mystery
of a distant galaxy
it awes and humbles me
to be loved
by a god so high
what can i do but thank you
what can i do but give my life to you
hallelujah, hallelujah
what cani do but praise you
everyday make eerything i do
a hallelujah
i saw an old indian lady. she looked lost,
like she needed help.
thought she wanted to get up the bus so i asked her but she got down again.
why dint i help her? why?
im sorry lord i dint make an effort to get down to help her.
that i just didn't care enough.
but help me
to do better next time.
to let truth grip me.
that im living for more than it seems,
and that jesus,
you would go out of the way to help her.
to show love to her.
help me
im going to give you up.
ok. new yr resolution to use the net only twice a wk?
just ended sch really early today and i was on the verge of sleeping
while doin my bio.so i had to do smth(;
one up on my jogging meter. two more times to go. 3 times a wk can hopefully help me lose weight. shal get back to tutorial.
meiosis is wonderful.
really wonderful as to how you would think of such minute details.
and construct a being like us.
im still awed.
take my breath away.
Labels: bleed myself dry - coldplay; joel koh rocks
Thursday, January 04, 2007
what if there was no time?
no more reason or rhyme?
what would the world be without jesus, without a god.
i cannot imagine.
thank you jesus for
bringing me through yesterday
and today.
i was so in a not-study-mood.
jean was like "yay, this weekend is going to be like a holiday(:"
seems lke the holidays just started for her.
yupp, today seems like a holiday too aftr finishing the R paper.
only the 2nd day of school,
n im feeling tired.
no more late nights for me.
at least ill try.
i am capable more than it seems.
a beauitful 2007, a new beginning,
the old has gone,
the new has come
love looney tunes, they're still funny aftr watching so many times.
im excited. im goin to act all bimbo tmr for senior-meet-junior.
hahas..im goin to wear my RG uniform n act as a yr one. and start suaning siswand.
im goin to call myself erm..diana? or saphira. haha. act all bimbo.
oh dear, i hope i carry it thru without laughin.
n im supp to storm out of the room aftr they suan me bout being RG..
oh dear.
ruinin my reputation.
suddenly i feel your hand in mine
suddenly i feel your hand in mine
take my hand oh
sweep me away
even though i am not willing
to hand my
heart over,
take it, take
it from me.
the spirit is wiling but the flesh is weak.
or the many times i have given u my heart,
ive come to realise time and again, the chest where i've placed
it has been pried open again and
help me lock it
and keep the keys,
that no other (EVEN MYSELF)
can unlock it.
i want to give it to you. help me let go. and let god.
my fears have worn me out
my fears have worn me out
ooh ive got my hands at redemption's hands side
Whose scars are bigger than these doubts of mine
I'll fit all of these monstrosities inside
yeah I'll come alive
With my fist down at your feet
I was running out of mysteries
Insecure and incomplete,
here I am,
here I am,
won't you get me?
so im goin to read my bible now.
and aftr tt do my hmwk.
(looks happy doin hmwk)
year 2007; hardworking, mugger caron,
here i come!
Monday, January 01, 2007
i've got so much to blog about the coming year n last yr but now's not the time.
i just wanto say:
haha that means we have 364 days of overflowing mercies((:
i've written down my new yr resolutions in my diary!
smash 2006 was great yesterday and i just loved the time o spent with hahas(:
darren spoke bout never forgetting our grattitude to him and always thankin him(:
thank u so much!
lost for words with all to say
lord u take my breath away
still my soul my soul cries out
you are holy
as i look upon your name
circumstances fade away
now your glory steals my heart
you are holy
evermore my heart my heart will say
above all
live for your glory
even if my world falls i will say
above all
i live for your glory
the new year comes and im determined to live a life for jesus
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace whoblessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
-legacy, nichole nordeman
Rescued my soul, my Stronghold
lifts me from shame
lifts me from shame
shout it out (:
Forgiveness, security, power and love
grace that blows all fear away
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grace that blows all fear away
all the brothers and sisters
blogger skins friendster hoops and yoyo getty
Nursing blog aaron bryan char's shop claudia daniel danitza debbie debkoh elizaBIRD esmond huey's photoblog huiyuan gabriel ong jade jared jingmin jolie jonkk jonT ian lynn liting joy melody michelle philDA rachel serminn sindhu stef sue ean timmo ting wanxin wieky xin en

of old.
February 2004
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May 2011
designer DancingSheep